Universiti Sains Malaysia Library 

Citizen Science

Citizen science is a form of scientific research in which members of the public, often referred to as "citizen scientists," actively participate in scientific investigations. These individuals contribute their time, effort, and expertise to help scientists collect data, analyse information, and address research questions. Citizen science projects engage non-professional scientists in a wide range of disciplines, including environmental science, astronomy, biology, ecology, and more.

  1. Benefits of Citizen Science: Citizen science offers a multitude of benefits that encompass both the scientific community and the public. Firstly, it enables scientists to engage a vast network of volunteers, expanding their data collection capabilities and accelerating research progress. By involving citizens in scientific endeavours, it promotes public participation, scientific literacy, and a deeper understanding of complex environmental and societal issues. Citizen science projects empower individuals by providing them with opportunities to contribute to real scientific discoveries, fostering a sense of ownership and connection to the scientific process. Moreover, this collaborative approach generates large datasets, enhances data quality through diverse perspectives, and enables research on a scale that would be otherwise unattainable. Ultimately, citizen science holds immense potential to drive scientific advancements, strengthen community engagement with science, and foster a more inclusive and participatory approach to research and decision-making processes.
  1. Types of Citizen Science Projects: Citizen science projects encompass a wide range of disciplines and research areas. Here are some common types of citizen science projects:


Biodiversity Monitoring: Citizen scientists play a crucial role in monitoring and documenting biodiversity. They contribute to projects by collecting data on various species, their distribution, abundance, and behavior. This data aids in understanding ecosystem health, tracking population changes, and informing conservation efforts.


Environmental Pollution Mapping: Citizen science projects focused on environmental pollution engage participants in monitoring and mapping pollution levels in their local areas. They collect data on air quality, water quality, noise pollution, or light pollution, providing valuable information to researchers and policymakers for mitigating environmental impacts.


Public Health Surveillance: Citizen scientists can contribute to public health research by participating in projects that involve tracking disease patterns, monitoring disease vectors like mosquitoes, or reporting symptoms and health-related data. Their involvement helps researchers identify disease hotspots, assess health risks, and develop effective intervention strategies.


Example of citizen science initiatives in USM is “USM Campus Nature Challenge

  1. Types of Citizen Science Projects: Citizen science projects encompass a wide range of disciplines and research areas. Here are some common types of citizen science projects:


Scientific Discovery and Advancement: Citizen science significantly contributes to scientific discovery and advancements across various fields. By engaging a large and diverse group of volunteers, citizen science projects generate vast amounts of data that would be otherwise unattainable. This data, collected by citizen scientists, supports research efforts, fuels scientific publications, and facilitates breakthroughs in areas such as ecology, astronomy, public health, and climate science.


Public Engagement and Scientific Literacy: Citizen science fosters public engagement with science by involving non-professional scientists in the research process. Through their participation, citizens gain a deeper understanding of scientific methodologies, data collection techniques, and the scientific inquiry process. This engagement promotes scientific literacy, encourages critical thinking, and empowers individuals to contribute to real-world research, ultimately bridging the gap between scientists and the general public.


Environmental Conservation and Community Empowerment: Citizen science projects focused on environmental monitoring and conservation empower communities to actively participate in the protection and management of their local ecosystems. By involving citizens in data collection efforts, these projects raise awareness of environmental issues, build a sense of environmental stewardship, and encourage sustainable practices. Citizen science also empowers communities by providing them with the knowledge and tools to advocate for environmental policy changes and contribute to local decision-making processes.


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